不過,經歷了如此嚴格而冗長的審核過程後,多年來對推廣 KHPO 的努力成果能雀屏中選,確實值得欣慰!

Dear applicants for as a clinician’s vacancy at the ICRS Summit in Tallinn, Estonia,
We are extremely glad, to inform that you have been selected out of many applications to participate in the ICRS Summit in Tallinn, Estonia from May 30 – June 1, 2013. We will preregister you within the next few days to the conference ........

Stephan Seiler
Executive Director
Cartilage Executive Office (CEO)
International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS)

半年前,得知 ICRS (International Cartilage Repair Society, 國際軟骨修復學會)
將在愛沙尼亞的首都 Tullinn 舉辦成立十幾年來首屆高峰會

ICRS Summit 2013
30st May – 1st June 2013, Tallinn, Estonia

Osteoarthritis of the Knee and Hip

The final frontier in articular cartilage repair

Organised by Anthony Hollander and Mats Brittberg


Dear ICRS Members,

         I am writing to invite you to apply for the opportunity of becoming a delegate and participant at the first ICRS Summit meeting,

which will be held in the beautiful city of Tallinn, a UNESCO heritage site.

This is a new concept for the Society and the plan is for each President to run one summit during his or her term of office.        

This will be a small meeting with world class speakers and intensive discussion designed to move the field forward in a new direction.

Delegates will need to compete for the chance to attend as there will only be 50 places available

(15 scientists, 15 clinicians, 15 industrial executives and 5 trainees).

A special committee will evaluate all applications and choose the attendees for this first meeting.

Those of you who do not win a place will be able to read reviews written by each of the speakers in our journal “Cartilage”.

The deadline for submission of applications is 30th November so please apply now to have the chance to be part of our inaugural summit.

I look forward to seeing some of you in Tallinn.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Anthony Hollander, ICRS President


在這熱門的軟骨修復領域,全世界已是山頭林立,有多少專家正摩拳擦掌、躍躍欲試、覬覦這 15 個名額!入選應是困難重重


這應該就是 KHPO 的機會了,直覺不可錯失 .......

當下即決定以 "KHPO 將帶給退化性膝關節炎患者新希望" 為主軸,提出以下的與會申請




Shaw-Ruey Lyu, MD, PhD

Chief, Joint Center, Buddhist Tzu Chi Dalin General Hospital


Category: Clinician

Dear Professor Hollander,

I’ve been working for 15 years in clinical and basic research about the pathogenesis of OA knees with an emphasis on the medial compartment.

As shown in my CV, these studies have compelled me to conclude that medial-plica-related medial abrasion syndrome is an important cause of medial compartment OA.

Based on this conviction, I’ve developed a novel arthroscopic treatment concept called “arthroscopic cartilage regeneration facilitating procedure (ACRFP)” and consequently conceptualized knee health promotion option (KHPO), a clinically effective treatment option for OA knee, to supplement the traditional treatment modalities.

Our center started offering ACRFP and KHPO to our patients in 2005, and our patients therefore have had more treatment options ever since. Every year, around 500 patients have enjoyed the benefits of ACRFP. The demand for ACRFP at our center is so great that patients typically wait about 18 months for this procedure.

The complete concept of ACRFP and KHPO has been published in a book chapter and can be accessed online: KHPO. 

OA knee is prevalent and the potential demand for the related cartilage regeneration is huge. But, it is my understanding that unless the etiologic factors of an OA knee are identified and eradicated, none of the current popular cartilage regeneration procedures works well. I hope to have the chance to share my experience and show proof to the summit how the ACRFP eradicates the etiologic factors for OA knees.

ACRFP-treated patients, with their causes of degeneration removed, are prime candidates for cartilage regeneration therapies. When widespread, ACRFP might become an upstream supplier of OA knee patients ready for cartilage regeneration therapies. By joining your summit, I hope to help spread ACRFP around the world and consequently create demand for cartilage regeneration therapies.

I am very much enthusiastic about participating in this exciting summit. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my experience and share my expertise to help more people around the world as I have been doing in my country.   

Sincerely Yours,

SR Lyu, MD, PhD






  1. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Chia-Chen Hsu, Chih-Wen Lin,  Arthroscopic Cartilage Regeneration Facilitating Procedure for Osteoarthritic Knee. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 11/2012; 13(1):226.
  2. Wang, H. S., Kuo, P. Y., Yang, C. C., & Lyu, S. R. (Correspondence). Matrix metalloprotease-3 expression in medial plica and pannus-like tissue in knees from patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis. Histopathology, 2011, 58(4), 593-600.
  3. Lyu SR , Chiang JK, and Tseng CE, Medial plica in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a histomorphological study, Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: official journal of the ESSKA, 2010,18(6):769-76.
  4. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Arthroscopic medial release for medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee, J Bone Joint Surg Br, September, 2008, Vol 90-B, issue 9, Pages 1186-1192.
  5. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Relationship of medial plica and medial femoral condyle during flexion. Clinical Biomechanics, 2007, Volume 22(9), Pages 1013-1016.
  6. Shaw-Ruey Lyu, Jeh-En Tzeng, Chia-Yuan Kuo, Ai-Ru Jian, De-Shin Liu. Mechanical strength of mediopatellar plica - The influence of its fiber content. Clinical Biomechanics, Volume 21(8), October 2006, Pages 860-863.
  7. Lyu SR, Hsu CC, Medial plicae and degeneration of the medial femoral condyle. Arthroscopy. 2006 Jan;22(1):17-26.


      Book Chapter:



      S.R. Lyu, D.S. Liu, C.E. Tseng, H.S. Wang and L.K. Chau (2012). Knee Health Promotion Option for Osteoarthritic Knee: Cartilage Regeneration is Possible, Osteoarthritis - Diagnosis, Treatment and Surgery, Qian Chen (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0168-0, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/osteoarthritis-diagnosis-treatment-and-surgery/knee-health-promotion-option-for-osteoarthritic-knee-cartilage-regeneration-is-possible




      Knee Health Promotion Course:





      期盼已久的日子終於到:KHPO 在經過嚴格的檢視後,已受到國際專業領域的正視



      會後,若能結合組織工程的軟骨修復技術,KHPO 應該是治癒退化性膝關節炎的希望所在





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