Dr. Knee

A Surgeon’s Alternative to Knee ReplacementBy Shaw-Ruey Lyu, MD, PhD



The author's practice has identified a common but little recognised cause of knee osteoarthritis (knee OA), and in 2004 he devised an arthroscopic treatment option called arthroscopic cartilage regeneration facilitating procedure (ACRFP) that has (1) relieved thousands of patients of their knee pain without using analgesics, (2) helped open up the joint space in their knees, and (3) improved their mobility. The ACRFP has debunked the myth that cartilage in the knee naturally degenerates and proved that “degenerative arthritis of the knee” is a misnomer. 

Since 2007, his practice has further expanded the ACRFP into a comprehensive, multidisciplinary management protocol—the knee health promotion option (KHPO)—to treat patients with knee OA. The result shows the effectiveness of the KHPO in treating knee OA. Thousands of people have therefore kept their knees under this KHPO. 

This common but little recognised cause of knee OA is based on the work of his research team that has spanned 15 years. They have published 12 scientific papers on this research. The KHPO has been built on their knowledge about this disease process. Knowing how knee OA originates, evolves, and deteriorates has given them a solid foundation upon which to design and improve a focused treatment protocol that has field-proven to halt that deterioration process. 

• Terminology 
• The KHPO in a nutshell 
• What has ACRFP done for patients 
• The hidden hazards of ineffective conservative treatment 
• Why is the ACRFP better for the knees? 
• The conventional protocol vs the KHPO protocol 
• Patient activism 
• A concerned surgeon and his thoughts 
• Patient's choices 
• Physician's clinical experiences 
• The best scientific evidence 
• The making of an ideal KHPO surgeon




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